Thursday, May 6, 2010

You have only yourself to blame

The other day I was at a bar.  That's not something I do very often but it was interesting for a bit.  I was sitting at the bar nursing a ice water and having a chef salad.  While I was waiting around I watched the people coming in.
Most of the people seemed really happy to be there.  There was a lot of college guys and girls being obnoxious towards one another.  This was of course a matter flirting and  the like.That sort of annoyed me, but it's the right(and maybe rite) of that age.
While eating the deliciously fresh salad, I also masticated on this behavior.  I wondered why do some people react so differently to the same enviroments and social situations.  I have a hard time in many social senarios and I try to push myself to be more outgoing.  At the same time, I see other people very much at ease.
This led me to think about how in so many different situations the same thing happens.  I mean, people aren't that much different from each other.  We have generally the same genetic and chemical makeup.  We're more alike in that way then different.  At least I think we are.  So, are our reactions really all that different?  Maybe not.
My latest theory is that I have most, if not all, of the same reactions or emotions as everyone else.  I just notice some of them more.  When someone is feeling confient while I'm feeling vulerable, part of me is as feeling confident.   I just don't hear it as much. 
That explains to me what people mean by the phrase, "find it within yourself".  It's all there, I just have to pay attention to it.
Well, that's about as far as I've gotten with this line of thinking.  How do you feel about it?